The Blurred Herd
#Blurries solely consist of diffused light. They prosper in the darkest caves of Han, where they batten on fireflies and fosfor, which grants them their magnificent colours. While hundreds and thousand of tourists wander through magnificent caverns many levels above them, they live their own mystic life of «holy weirdness», harmony and joy. Their secret is kept safe by only the chosen ones among us people, who are sincerely kind-hearted and carry with them the mettle for spiritual transcendence. Some of the latter profess that these «empty-headed» ethereal friends - no bigger than the swoosh inside of a marble - carry a 420 times more wisdom and peace than the average human being, thus outsmarting, for example, most alt-right conspiracists by a factor of 666000.
By adopting one or more or these wonderful luminous creatures, you become a guardian of the best kept secret that is out in the open in every Yin & Yang symbol; there is no darkness when it does not carry a powerful spark of the brightest light. You will have to accede the Three Verities of Blur:
Thou wilt court weirdness.
Thou shalt seek universal love.
Thou sharet your ADA.
Welcome to the #holyweirdness of the #Blurries.